Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Clicking for Peace

Hi dear friends,

I've read lately that Americans are not following the war in Iraq any more. There are fewer reports in the news and we are distracted by the economy and the election. Those are also big issues, but I think that it's important that we not give anyone the impression that what's going on in Iraq doesn't matter to us. By "anyone," I mean the media, the government, politicians, the men and women serving in the war, and the journalists covering it.

One way that we can show our concern and awareness is with our clicks. With this in mind, I went out looking for war stories on websites. They are harder to find than they were two years ago. I found this site, The New York Times Baghdad Bureau Blog, and have added it to the sites that I check each day along with my email, calendar, and the Huffington Post. And when I visit Huffpost, I make an effort not to click on news about Brad and Angelina or who's going back to rehab (not always easy!) Instead I look for the Iraq stories first.

Clicking is a very, very small thing. But if we all do it, it makes a difference. It sends a message, and it keeps us better informed. You are probably already doing your own thing in your own way...reading, writing letters, demonstrating, sending care packages, talking, voting. But my one click here and there is so small, I thought I would try to boost its impact by multiplying it by a factor of You. I'd also like to know what sources you are turning to for news of Iraq. Send links! If you're interested, I'll post the recommendations I get on this blog.

Love and peace,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally endorses the concept of: 'clicking for peace' as it does register where it may count.
And yes, it's apparent the area of evident reader interest is what news services will respond too.

Clicks for the inter-net media mean money and this is a real area we could all contribute to in making a difference.
One site I have found to also carry excellent coverage is under the "Forever War" heading.